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A little about me
I am a senior end-to-end digital learning specialist with 20+ years of expertise in adult education. I have built hundreds of courses for clients around the globe covering a wide array of subject matter from corporate compliance and military safety protocols to graduate student case-based training at Harvard.
I have taught and provided coaching sessions, in-person and remotely, to clients in government, healthcare, oil & gas, and higher education. I have also volunteered my time to teach at industry events including Learning Guild webinars, DevLearn with Tom and David from Articulate, and Articulate E-learning Heroes Roadshows.
I have spoken at several corporate events over the years including the Calgary Chamber of Commerce, Alberta eGovernment Committee, Young Presidents Organization, Queens University eMBA class and the Calgary Chartered Accountants Association. I have also published a book-based course on e-learning principles and Articulate Storyline.
As I learn new techniques or stumble upon something of interest, I will share this with my peers via Twitter, LinkedIn, my YouTube channel, and the Articulate forums.
For as much as I have shared, I have also learned from members of the community who have been generous with their time and knowledge. Their creativity continues to inspire the work I do.
Thank you!